Film Review: Iron Man 3

Simon Cocks
What Simon’s Seen
4 min readApr 28, 2013


If this is the way that Marvel mean to continue with the second phase of developing their cinematic universe, then we’re in for quite a ride. Iron Man 3 confidently strides in and picks up where The Avengers left off, dealing with the consequences of aliens attacking New York and revealing the impact that the experience has had on Tony Stark. Facing a threatening enemy from his past, this film acts as something of a rebirth for the character as it takes him back to the events of the first movie by depriving him of things he values and forcing him to think his way out of situations.

There are quite a few parallels between Iron Man and the third instalment in the series, and this may be the strongest individual Marvel feature since that one (it’s certainly much better than Iron Man 2). I hold Captain America: The First Avenger in very high regard and think that Thor has its moments too, but billionaire Stark is clearly the character that has been developed the most and that really shows as this film puts together a really compelling story arc that is always focused on the character and what makes him strive to be something more than he was before he got trapped in that cave.

I’m only going to talk about plot details in broad ways throughout this review to keep some of the film’s best surprises under wraps for those that are yet to watch. It is true, though, that the trailers have revealed far more than they should have. I can assure you that there are some truly excellent moments and spectacular scenes that will be genuinely shocking, thankfully the trailers haven’t spoiled everything. If you’re hoping for great action, this film really delivers. I’m impressed by the inventiveness of certain action scenes, with some of the new technology allowing for more exciting ways to show combat. This script also tries to keep Tony out of the armour as much as possible, challenging him to solve problems using the real superpower that is his brain.

While this is clearly a movie about the man within the suit, it has a really great supporting cast too. Viewers will be impressed by the villains portrayed by Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley, with the Mandarin giving us an interesting angle on terrorism. A line that is in the trailer sees Tony Stark say that there’s “no politics here: just good old fashioned revenge,” but it’s surprising just how much politics is involved in the motives of many characters. Gwyneth Paltrow’s Pepper Potts returns and is given more to do than in the previous films, while we also see the introduction of Maya Hansen (Rebecca Hall), another important figure from Stark’s past.

Shane Black is an inspired choice as director and the screenplay (written by Black and Drew Pearce) is a lot more fun than the dark promotional material suggests. This is full of memorable one-liners, fast-paced dialogue and hilarious bits that occur at the most unexpected points. Robert Downey Jr. is on brilliant form and he’s clearly really comfortable in this role now. The interplay between Stark and Colonel James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) has a real playfulness to it and is a lot better than it was in the second instalment. The writing also gives a really good idea of just how much the central character has been affected both psychologically and emotionally by what he’s seen, Downey Jr. plays these moments just as well as he does the more lighthearted stuff.

The film’s conclusion may be seen as too heavy on the action by some but I think it’s earned and it’s also hard not to be gripped by some of the breathtaking stunt work and visual effects that have been pulled off. There’s more than enough to be dazzled by as Iron Man 3 heads towards its ending and the stakes are definitely high as the final moments find many characters in desperate situations. The movie never goes too dark, though, and it always maintains that comic book tone that is so much of the reason behind the popularity of Marvel’s cinematic endeavours.

A well-paced and exceptionally enjoyable sequel that gets right to the heart of Tony Stark, Iron Man 3 provides spectacle and fun in equal measure and is sure to more than satisfy fans. It serves as a very promising platform for the other films on the road to The Avengers 2 and gives me great hope that we’ll be watching many more fantastic movies from Marvel very soon.



Former film and TV reviewer for Frame Rated, CultBox, ScreenAnarchy, MSN and more. Read my latest reviews at Follow me on Twitter at @simoncocks.